An account of the degenercy of certain supposed guadians of Justice together with elements of the media and their destruction of Grace.

Verlag Von Amon Wagner - 2017


Only one member of the public is present to witness the Judge (McGregor-Johnson) and his two silent assistants (Ms S McGregor JP & Mrs A Newmark JP) giving verdicts on images depicting the child in her State of Grace. These unspeaking women flanking the senior Judge for the two day hearing have aligned themselves to a somewhat fanciful interpretation of the morality of Mr & Mrs Everyman. A fashionable view as seen through the rantings of the gutter press: in doing so have become the spokesmen and supporters of the witch-hunt mentality. Obviously impartiality, the absolute essence and foundation of all good judging has fled them, leaving that cold and excessive self love to make the narrowest decisions when a broader encompassing judgement is so necessary. Unfortunately because of the hermetic nature of the law courts, on this occasion, unlike the philosophers of old and their desire to create gold from the base matter of Mother Nature, paper is turned into the modern equivalents of past greed. This to an excessive degree, thus by its very nature acts as a blindfold to a greater truth.

It is well worth noting that the structures of the law, through its many peoples and periods of history, have always been subservient to the power of Mammon; which more often than not masks as a supposedly "civilised" evolution.

Thus the Judiciary of Great Britain has been guilty of many serious crimes against its own population, often including those foreign denizens who come within their reach ... The witchcraft mentality of the seventeenth century: the backing of laws promoting child labour: the removal of habeas corpus during Napoleonic times: the flouting of the most basic human values in the support of slavery. Transportation for the most petty crimes, woman's suffrage, the callous killing of ones own during the First Great War. These are but a few of the despicable legislations supported by the Judiciary and their foot soldiers over the centuries. While there are many examples of the righteous Judge who will help rebalance the scales of hypocrisy and inhumanity to the benefit of mankind, there are many who are too engulfed by ego and self love to know justice. One must never confuse the Law with absolute Justice; the twentieth century has known too many evils due to the subservience of its peoples in these matters. In chapter one of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin the writer is most severe in condemning "Law", a sentiment all thinking people should take note of.

The following text and illustrations follows the police and subsequent court proceedings in detail and may be confirmed with such materials as the court oral tapes and other relevant documents for accuracy.

A Short History

In the Autumn of 2006 the artist/historian Graham Ovenden was raided at his home (Barley Splat in Cornwall) by twenty two police officers including two police frogmen; these officers comprising of the Metropolitan Serious Crime Department (Stratford) and the Cornish Police. After a day long search the Police removed a quantity of images of children (this included no pornography) also many graphic works, including landscape paintings and photographs, some 400 computer CDs which contained various (on investigation) works of art and the artist's historical archive. Also taken was his computer, which you will note, had never been connected to the internet.

(It should also be taken into account that the large majority of this property was returned to Ovenden some eight and a half years later. A selection of the items concerned will be described and illustrated in the appendix to this volume). The reason for this visitation was the statements given to the Metropolitan Police by one Donna Bury (alias Minty Chalice) a notorious liar and general vindictive troublemaker. The statements she made to the police on separate occasions amounted to over six pages of bizarre invention, so far removed from any possible actuality as to appear the rantings of a personality suffering severe mental aberrations. Perhaps the most telling part of her involvement with the police was their appendage to her statements WE REGARD THIS AS A TRUE AND HONEST ACCOUNT etc. Two of the most pertinent and obvious lies in her fabricated statements dealt firstly with a description of the defendant's studio. (Incidentally she had only paid one visit to Barley Splatt in 1973 and this not by invitation but as a companion child to an invited mother and daughter. This was the last time Ovenden saw her. Her description of the studio was based on one of the many television programmes given air, dealing with the Ovendens, their art and Barley Splatt. Unfortunately for both Bury and the Police, her descriptions proved fanciful, her one visit to the Ovenden household took place, predating the building of the studio, by some fourteen years.

Another example of her inventiveness presented by Detective Inspector Maddochs and his cohorts as a true and honest account was her visit to the Victoria and Albert Museum (which at that moment of time was displaying Ovenden's suite of Alice in Wonderland prints on its walls. A group of Bury's friends were subjected to an account of her posing for the graphic images of Alice (1970). As the model for these illustrations were Wendy J. who bore not the slightest resemblance to Bury in age or feature we can only assume that the police failed to check her statement, or indeed their visual illiteracy was complete. Up until this point of dismissal from the case Bury played the part of a rabble rouser including public accusations of abuse against such worthies as Peter Blake and well known Members of Parliment. There is no evidence to suggest that the Police ever investigated her accusations against these individuals.

She finally leaves the stage when Judge Graham Cottle, who presided over the final trial, dismissed her as an UNRELIABLE WITNESS, this after a number of other serious revelations of her deceit. As the defendant's Barrister so aptly described her statements, "A circus of lies which no intelligent police officer could tolerate for a moment."


Donna Bury (Alias Minty Chalice) cl970
This is the only photograph of Bury taken when she was four years old. Also the chaperone is clearly seen in the background.

Additional material in relation to Donna Berry can be found in Discredited Allegations by Donna Berry. It is worth adding at this point that the 'Bury' spelling comes from what few original notes Ovenden has after this long time. Cross checking available data confirms that the correct birth name is Berry and that she was born in London in xxxx.

Reading exerts from the Donna Bury (Minty Chalice) website it is difficult to not come to the conclusion that the woman is either mentally unsound or simply evil (yes this writer does believe in evil as such). One is reminded of the child in that classic film of the late 1950s The Bad Seed who is bereft of morality and compassion, who murders without compunction if it fits her need.

Perhaps though the most sinister aspect of Ms Bury is her relationship with the Serious Crime Squad of the Metropolitan Police Force. How is it possible for any intelligent officer of the law, to not only support her fantasies, but to actually encourage them, surely beggars belief. We cannot for a moment doubt that the serious crime team were aware of the nature of their prize witness. It is general knowledge that the police manipulate and embroider truth to their own ends when wishing to fit it to their particular mind set, but their relationship with Bury enters into the realms of the truly sinister when her posts on the internet boast of direct criminality. No doubt future investigation into this unwholesome association may reveal ineptitude, quite likely, conspiracy but in the final analysis operatives such as Detective Inspector Maddochs and Detective Constable Lambert will need to face up to their own actions (Thus is thou as Will Shakespeare so rightly 'scribes).

After much machinations and spending of public money Ovenden is prosecuted for creating supposedly indecent images of the girl child, images that have been in the public domain for some forty years and in no way may be referred to as involved in the sleaze market for child pornography. (Incidentally it should be strongly noted that in the laws of Great Britain, depictions of the naked child are NOT ILLEGAL, whatever their graphic substance). Also at this point it is important to be aware that the Police have often deliberately lied, or at best manipulated juries into believing that the contrary state of law exists. Some Judges too have shown themselves equivocal on this statement of legal fact. For an informed view of Ovenden's photographic work covering the area of the Child in Grace, this short introduction published by Laurie Lee in 1988 tells much. (Repeated on the introduction to the PORTRAITS section)

The basic itinerary for the onslaught against Graham Ovenden is as follows. a) Arrested 2006.
b) Hospitalised in a coma 2008.
c) Brought to trial under the auspices of Judge Elwen. The only charges at this juncture deal with the creation of indecent imagery.
d) Trial postponed due to police ineptitude. One police witness is sailing round the world, another is not available etc.
e) Trial renewed but within a day the police are found to be in such disarray with their case that Judge Elwen discharges the jury and stays the proceedings. The following day he gives his reasons for doing so which does no credit to the police or the CPS. The CPS in the next few weeks are much criticised in the media.
f) A year passes and Mr Ovenden is once more arrested. It is here that the fabri­cated evidence of Minty Chalice (Donna Bury) is brought to the fore. (Her evi­dence is much discussed on the internet and previous chapter under the heading "We believe this to be a true and honest account"). Whereas before, under Judge Elwen, the defence team felt secure in the likelihood of a fair trial and outcome (whether innocent or guilty verdicts) the same cannot be said for Judge Graham Cottle.
His behaviour was completely antagonistic towards the defence to the degree of supporting the prosecution as if he were playing the part of their QC. Impartiality certainly was not a Cottle attribute! He smarmed towards the jury and when they were not present in court behaved to the defence team as if he were the shade of the infamous Lord Chief Justice Jeffreys. He allowed numerous infringements on behalf of the prosecution and on numerous occasions did not criticise their most singular lapses of memory. Perhaps his two greatest crimes and I use crime in its broadest context, were when the prosecution announced that due to the witness EE refusing to state that Ovenden had ever abused her, the prosecution was drop­ping all inditements against him. (This would have had a profound effect on the overall case and the jury in particular). Cottle (remember the jury are not present for these deliberations) instead of accepting the prosecutions intentions stated "Well if you cannot prosecute Mr Ovenden on the original charges I suggest you find something else to charge him on. The next day the prosecution Barrister Quaif, Maddochs and his team could not believe their luck when Cottle allowed Ovenden to be prosecuted on taking indecent photographs of EE over a six years period while she was still a minor. This is the charge which the media picked on. There was no material evidence to give credence to the new prosecution, no, not a single new image was presented in court to back up their claim. Another example of Cottle's deviousness was the allowing the presentation to the jury of the incomplete (work in progress) As Through a Glass Darkly as evidence of bad character even though he knew full well that the police had manipulated the imagery.

Perhaps in the final analysis Cottle may have had some regard for the reputation of his profession as he allowed the final bound volume of As Through a Glass Darkly to be presented in court as legitimate evidence and when sentencing Mr Ovenden for crimes that he (Judge Cottle) had devised gave him a non custodial sentence. Quaif the prosecution Barrester with Maddochs looking on commited perjury at least on two occasions, the most serious being the matter of the presentation al­bum when the imagery of SM was denied an existance... Here is the index list and one image of the contents taken from the original album (after being duly vandalised it was returned by the police). Both men were guilty of misinforming the media as to the true nature of Ovenden's supposed crimes and it was their lies that led to the vile behaviour of the media in general, though the gutter press needs little encouragement on these unhappy occasions.

Susannah Monty (1972)

The above image of SM is number one on the list opposite. Numbers eighteen and thirty eight have been destroyed by the police, no doubt hoping to hide their perjury.



Introduction 8


Susannah Monty

... PO ...



Sophie Dyke

... PO ...



Rebecca Dickinson & Jenny Pascoe

... PO ...



Selina Wright

... PO ...



Maud Hewes

... PO ...



Maud & Joanna

... PO ...




... Platinum ...



Jessica Blackmoor

... PO ...



Caroline Smith

... PO ...



Samantha Gates

... Platinum ...



"The Twins" J&J

... PO ...



Sophie (in her "Alice" Dress)

... PO ...




... Platinum ...



Elinor McDowell

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... PO ...




... Platinum ...




... PO ...



Kate Pullin

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... PO ...



Beverly Simestra

... Platinum ...




... Platinum ...



Lorraine Woods

... PO ...



Tees Morley

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... Platinum ...




... PO ...




... Platinum ...




... PO ...




... PO ...



Natasha Stonely

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... Platinum ...




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Rebecca, Jenny & Maud

... PO ...




... PO ...



Romayne Govette

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... PO ...




... PO ...




... Platinum ...




... PO ...



Kate Unsworth

... PO ...



Cathy O'Donnel

... PO ...



Jackie & Jenny Pascoe

... PO ...




... PO ...



Margaret M.

... PO ...



Katy Pidcott

... PO ...



Juliette Jay

... PO ...




... PO ...




... PO ...




... PO ...



Emily Alice Ovenden & Maud Hewes

...PO ...



Michelle & Jilly

... PO ...



Laura & Lucy Hodgson

... PO ...




... PO ...



The papers for the appeal against Cottle's sentence (non custodial, two years probation) were duly entered and granted but most unusually the petition by the Attorney General to increase Ovenden's sentence would be held at the same time as the appeal.

This was to last a whole days hearing and was presided over by The Lord Chief Justice Thomas and two other Law Lords. Ovenden's legal team was in high expectation of justice and the dismissal of the charges against him. Unfortunately this hearing coincided with the Saville revelations and the three Judges decided that Cottle's actions were perfectly reasonable except of course his sentencing, so increased Ovenden's penalty to two years and three months detention. The Lord Chief Justice in particular, another Cottle clone, gave the Attorney General's Barrister five times the "floor space" as the defence and based his judgement on the published lies printed in the media, not the actual convictions. Equally seriously the amplification headphones were not working and despite complaints and promises of mending Mr Ovenden, who had inadvertently left his hearing aid in Cornwall HEARD NOT A WORD of his appeal. So much for the amateurism of the court system. As one onlooker said to Ovenden's lawyer, "I came expecting to see and hear justice given. I suppose the Lord Chief Justice is typical of the corrupt nature of the higher lawyers, as shallow and vindictive as any of his forefathers.

Ovenden was duly sent to Pentonville where he straight away went on a hunger strike for forty two days (No not a crumb passed his lips, only the minimal liquid required for life). It was here that he started on his literary works and having been moved to the hospital wing found the staff were considerate and generally sympathetic. He gave up his hunger strike at the request of his sister and brother and was then shortly removed to Highpoint North in Suffolk. Here he continued his writings, did much paper work for fellow prisoners, saw much of the Chaplaincy (Wonderful people these) and as he was the only prisoner out of over six hundred who could sight read the whole of the Catholic and Anglican Hymnals his piano fingers were kept very busy.