There are two heads to the prosecution case against Graham Ovenden. Both when analysed, in particular when using the police own documents as evidence against both Berry and themselves, we find an almost unbelievable combination of deliberate falsification of evidence counterpointed by that of a naivety that speaks ill of the general intellectual paucity of both the Metropolitan and Cornish police forces.

The first deals with one Donna Berry (alias Minty Challis) who was the premier reason for the investigation, then prosecution of Graham Ovenden. There are over six pages of invented accusations against Mr Ovenden to which the police have added their addendum “We regard this as a true and honest account”. Well the police documents, a selection that we reproduce, tell a very contrary story and unequivocally prove Ms Berry to be an inventive and vindictive liar of the first order. This person was eventually dismissed from the case (Robert Linford the defence barrister described her statements as “A circus of lies that no intelligent police officer could tolerate for a moment”) by Judge Graham Cottle. Subsequent investigation into her history both in actuality and fantastic invention show her internet placements as abounding in vicious accusations, admitting to acts of criminality and not least an association with particularly vile anti Semitic statements. Well read on ...

Donna Berry 1 Donna Berry 2 Donna Berry 3 Donna Berry 4 Donna Berry 5 Donna Berry 6 Donna Berry 7 Donna Berry 8 Donna Berry 9 Donna Berry Internet Comments 1 Donna Berry Internet Comments 2 Donna Berry Internet Comments 3