The second head, or to give it its more precise description, that of the Hydra, is centred on the two main conspirators Edmund Ovenden and the then Detective Inspector Maddochs. Maddochs can summarily be dealt with in noting his propensity to lie on all occasions that suited the progression of his 'case': the example of the Bodmin Magistrates Court and his attempt to keep Mr Graham Ovenden incarcerated is but one of his conspiratorial episodes with Edmund Ovenden. There are a number of others which include the tampering and non disclosure of evidence.
Edmund Ovenden's conspiratorial mask is only too apparent when we analyse the embezzlement by him on his father/s property. The silence shown by Devon and Cornwall police, who on three separate occasions have not pursued Ovenden Jnr. on this most serious crime is in itself sinister. We poor mortals must wonder if any part of the two county's 'officers of the law' possess any integrity.
If Edmund Ovenden, with the aid of Graham Ovenden's wife could mask his criminality by bringing to the fore his conspiracy with JB and her mother RB, also EE, his embezzlement would remain undisclosed. As it is, at the moment, Graham Ovenden has worked very hard for 30 years for nothing!
Please note read more on this subject in Before The Fall by Amon Wagner.
This item shows full well Edmund Ovenden's vicious propensity to lie to the police. The situation as described was completely denied by Rebecca D who is still much respected by Ovenden Snr. Also Video filming and projection hardly existed at the date indicated and the Ovendens never possessed any means of projection or filming. You will please note this is a mistake of logistics shared with Donna Berry and not noted by the police.