Since my Blog Master has remarkable abilities in locating past websites of dubious character and malice this pearl of perversion has come to my notice (
Firstly, we may return the compliment “you may run but certainly can't hide”. Yes Mr Spivey, a maxim which ex supporters of National Socialism in Germany were to find, rightly to their cost.
In fact the more I look at Mr Spivey's site the more I am reminded of the official Nazi journal Der Sturmer and its vile editor Julius Streicher. There is the arrogant pose of Spivey that fronts the site (a change of cloth to that of a notorious uniform would no doubt complete the transformation). The use of unseemly language, the four letter words seem to drip off his tongue like Cobbit's Weeping Wen … but it is obvious that this unfortunate individual is more obsessed by what lies between his legs rather than that of between his ears.
A few corrections and observations are in order.
a) The full length nude of Josie represented Gt Britain in the seminal exhibition held in Berlin at the Martin-Gropius Bau, Feb to April 1996.
b) The jacket cover of the book … To my knowledge this image was never used as a jacket cover; is this Spivey's invention? Also, the application of stars to the image or page, was always regarded as an accolade of merit when I was a child. Thus this emphasis of genitals, breasts (of which as yet there is no evidence) shows a moral confusion. Are these stars showing an enthusiasm for these normalities of mother nature or are they laid on as the product of a diseased mind. I suggest Spivey take note of the article in Novel Activist and the child's/adult's reactions to the placing of a puerile negation over Mother Nature's work.
c) The child balancing on the railings is not a painting but a photo mezzotint. Its correct title is Dare Me, this being appropriate, as the Thames lies some 20ft below and on the left hand side of the child. You will note that this image is from my Childhood Streets photographic essay and was taken when I was 14 years of age. This series of images are now celebrated as one of the most important photographic essays created since the Second WW.